Water quality testing and water treatment solutions
AuEluvesi OÜ focuses on analyzing water quality based on six key chemical parameters that affect overall water quality. The water treatment solutions offered by the company are mainly based on the results of water analyses to ensure that filtered water meets drinking water standards. Below, we introduce the most common water quality indicators and their characteristics in the Baltic States, which most frequently affect water quality.
Explanations of water quality indicators
Color and turbidity
The color and turbidity of water are often associated with high concentrations of iron, manganese, organic matter, and ammonium ions. Environmental pollution, such as the inflow of sand or clay, can also affect the color and clarity of the water. Cloudy water can cause blockages in systems and affect the operation of sanitary equipment and meters.Iron (> 0.2 mg/l)
Iron in drinking water can occur in dissolved form (clear water), precipitated form (cloudy, rust-colored), or as colloidal iron (yellowish hue). Excessive iron promotes pipeline corrosion, forms deposits, and can cause unpleasant odors and the growth of iron bacteria.Manganese (> 0.05 mg/l)
High manganese content in water can cause brownish-red or black deposits on dishes and sanitary equipment and may give the water a metallic taste.General hardness of drinking water
Water hardness is determined by the levels of calcium and magnesium ions. Soft water (below 2.4 mg-eq/l) does not cause sediment buildup, while hard water can damage household appliances, pipes, and heating elements, increasing pressure losses and reducing energy efficiency.Hydrogen sulfide
Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless gas that gives water a rotten egg smell. This odor often occurs in anaerobic (oxygen-poor) conditions, such as in wells.Mineralization
Mineralization, or the level of dissolved salts, determines whether the water is freshwater or mineral water. Water with mineralization below 1 g/l is considered freshwater. High levels of mineralization can reduce the effectiveness of disinfectants and promote pipe corrosion.Alkalinity
Alkalinity measures the water’s ability to resist a decrease in pH. Low alkalinity makes the water more sensitive to pH fluctuations, while high alkalinity stabilizes the pH level.Sodium ions (<200 mg/l)
Excess sodium ions make the water salty and increase mineralization, promoting pipe corrosion.Chloride ions (<250 mg/l)
High chloride ion content makes the water salty and may indicate the mixing of seawater with groundwater. Like sodium, this increases the water’s corrosiveness and mineralization.Sulfate ions (<250 mg/l)
High levels of sulfates worsen the water’s taste, increase electrical conductivity, and promote pipe corrosion and deposits in pipes.Bicarbonates
Bicarbonates are the primary determinants of water alkalinity and affect water conductivity and the corrosion of metal pipes.pH level
The pH of drinking water should be between 6.5 and 9.5. Low pH promotes corrosion, while high pH causes deposits and reduces the effectiveness of disinfection.Electrical conductivity (<2500 µS/cm)
High electrical conductivity indicates an increased concentration of dissolved salts in the water, which promotes the corrosion of pipes and equipment.Ammonium ions (<0.5 mg/l)
Excess ammonium reduces the water’s ability to disinfect and promotes the growth of algae. Elevated ammonium levels may indicate contamination, such as from agricultural fertilizers or sewage.Oxidizability (<5 mg O/l)
Oxidizability measures the amount of oxygen needed to oxidize organic substances in water. High oxidizability indicates contamination, especially in surface water.Nitrates and nitrites (<50 mg/l, <0.5 mg/l)
Nitrates and nitrites are usually associated with pollution from fertilizers or sewage. High levels can be toxic, especially for infants.Viruses and bacteria
Although the presence of bacteria and viruses is not visually detectable, they can be very dangerous to health. Bacterial contamination is more common in surface water (e.g., rivers, ponds).
AuEluvesi OÜ’s water treatment solutions help ensure that your drinking water meets all important quality standards. We thoroughly analyze all significant parameters and offer solutions tailored specifically to you!